Focus on Summer and Argonomic Solutions

At Greencast South Africa, we are committed to assisting and managing biotic and abiotic stress in the Summer period for you. It is our aim to partner with golf course superintendents and provide innovative agronomic solutions. 

Summer Pests attention:

Get preventative control of grubs, ants and juvenile mole crickets during the summer

Meridian ideal for insect control

Meridian has been shown to be highly effective in controlling the damaging larval

Get Pythium Blight under control this Summer

Subdue Maxx has set a worldwide industry standard in protection against Pythium

Subdue Maxx ideal for Pythium Blight

Subdue Maxx has set a worldwide industry standard in protection against Pythium

Summer woes: get on top of Grey Leaf spot

Grey Leaf Spot favours temperatures between 26°C to 32°C. It is also found in areas

Daconil Weatherstik: the summer solution for grey leaf spot!

Powerful contact fungicide that acts on the outside of the turf plant creating a