South African Turf Disease Guide 2020
Our latest turf identification disease guide for South African turf professionals helps you identify, control and treat many types of turf diseases that occur all over South Africa.
Including all types of turf disease:
- Ectotrophic root infecting fungi
- Fairy ring
- Mildew diseases
- Pythium diseases
- Rhizoctonia diseases
- Rust and Smut diseases
And many more. Not only will the guide help you to identify each turf disease but how to treat them, prevantively and curratively. Giving you the best possible turf for the best possibly playing surface for golf, bowls, soccer, rugby, horse racing and any other sport or amenity grass.
You can download a copy of the 2021/2022 Syngenta Turf Disease Guide by clicking the link below.
For more information about turf disease check the disease section of our website here.